Ebook Making Sense of Fibromyalgia New and Updated

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Book Details :
Published on: 2014-02-21
Released on: 2014-02-21
Original language: English

Six million people in the United States meet the criteria for fibromyalgia, which is a disorder characterized by a combination of pain, fatigue, and related symptoms. On average, these patients see about four doctors before they are correctly diagnosed, and many are convinced they have a life-threatening illness such as an advanced stage of cancer. About $600 billion is spent annually in the United States to diagnose or manage chronic pain, including litigation fees, and it is estimated that fibromyalgia patients run up $20 billion in medical expenses annually. Despite these alarming numbers, there is a lack of understanding and a dearth of reliable information about fibromyalgia for patients. This fully updated edition of Making Sense of Fibromyalgia distills complex concepts and symptoms into an easily understandable narrative. Daniel J. Wallace, a leading rheumatologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and Janice Brock Wallace, an expert medical writer, have updated the original classic resource, which has sold over 100,000 copies since 1999. Making Sense of Fibromyalgia provides clear answers to common questions, explains findings from the latest research, and discusses treatment options for complex symptoms. Detailed information is provided about topics such as who gets fibromyalgia and why; how stress, hormones, and your immune system interact and relate to fibromyalgia; what conditions are associated with it; why and how you might be misdiagnosed; how to overcome fibromyalgia; and how to understand your prognosis. The authors share all there is to know about the syndrome as well as how our understanding of it has changed over time. This comprehensive companion covers the entire spectrum of issues for those suffering from fibromyalgia, as well as their families, friends, caretakers, primary care physicians, and other health professionals. Fibromyalgia Mystery Finally Solved! Guardian Liberty Voice Researchers have found the main source of pain in Fibromyalgia patients and contrary to what many believe it does not stem from the brain. The findings mark the end ... Communities Voices and Insights - Washington Times Gingrich writes "A major purpose of writing Duplicity and Treason was to let readers know how deeply different our enemies among the Islamic Supremacists are from ... Business News Personal Finance and Money News - ABC News Find the latest business news on Wall Street jobs and the economy the housing market personal finance and money investments and much more on ABC News 6 favorite things for fibromyalgia relief Fed Up with ... The original version of My 6 favorite things for fibromyalgia relief was first published on NationalPainReport.com. It has been updated and is being reprinted ... MercuryLife Hello and welcome to the inaugural post of the MercuryLife weblog. What is this blog all about? Well with any luck it's going to be a useful source of oft-updated ... For Consumers - Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Official bimonthly subscription magazine of the Food and Drug Administration. Offers information on how to get healthy and stay healthy. It also reports on current ... Press Announcements - Food and Drug Administration Note: Press announcements from 2004 to 2012 are available through the FDA Archive. Some links in press announcements may no longer be active. For more information ... AXS.com - Official Tickets and Your Source for Live ... The AXS Cookie Policy. This website like most others uses cookies in order to give you a great online experience. By continuing to use our website you accept to our ... Quackwatch Portions of Quackwatch are updated several times a month. Most recent update: January 2 2017. Site indexing is done daily at 5:00 AM All articles on this Web site ... Fibromyalgia - Wikipedia Fibromyalgia; Synonyms: fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) The location of the nine paired tender points that constitute the 1990 American College of Rheumatology criteria ...
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